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Our Story

Coven of the Sacred Lady knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. January 1, 2022, we decided that by working together in unity we could overcome our communities challenges & provide spiritual assistance much more efficiently. Coven of the Sacred Lady was launched to address the ever growing needs of our community.


Coven of the Sacred Lady is committed to investing our expertise and resources in order to further achieve our cause. Since 2022, we’ve been supporting our community members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not by monetary size, but by the effectiveness of our efforts. Just imagine what we can achieve together!


Sister coven to Coven of the Blessed Lady, our clergy have a lifetime of knowledge to share. We are a family based Coven and enjoy teaching the young. We believe only through teaching the next generation will our religion and traditions carry forth. We are also a coven who take diversity, inclusion and equality to heart. In our Coven everyone has a voice and profound respect for each other.


Looking for a closer walk with the divine? Need to take control of your life and destiny? Want to make a difference in the community? Tired of the solitary path and want to experience a Coven family?


We welcome Anyone interested in learning The Old Religion to contact us today!

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